The Paper of Others - a Multimedia Art Exhibition by Daniela Gugg in collaboration with Alex Ferraté
Multimedia Art Exhibition The Paper of Others
by Daniela Gugg in collaboration with Alex Ferraté
“Daniela Gugg deals for the current Facetten* with the materiality of the book itself: the paper and the language. In extensive research trips she traces the genesis of Šrenc, the recycled paper produced by a Belgrade paper mill.
Here Daniela Gugg uses the language and writing as an artistic means of expression and compacted their observations to an essay, which not only tells the story of the paper, but also the stories of the paper collectors. With a focus on the collectors – mostly members of the minority of Roma – is the Facetten also a reflection on national affiliations, borders, movement and migration.”
Text: Publishing house Benteli
*( Facetten is a publishing serie of the Cultural Foundation of Thurgau)
Daniela Gugg continually makes language, words and text her artistic material. She writes and tells stories. She delves into individual life histories or researches the social and historical characteristics of societies, putting the results of her research on paper. The paper of others brings the material qualities of paper, the carrier of this story, centre stage. Over the course of two extended visits to Belgrade (Serbia) Daniela Gugg traced the recycling loop of the Šrenc paper used in the publication. She spoke with the Roma who collect paper on the streets of the Serbian capital and visited the recycling plants on the edges of the city. In so doing she links the biographies of the paper collectors and their experiences of societal marginalisation and migration with Serbia’s history and social and economic realities as well as those of current-day Europe.
Gioia dal Molin, Kulturstiftung of the Canton of Thurgau
(translation: Aoife Rosenmeyer)
Evening Programm during the Exhibition:
19.08. 18:00 h Opening of the Exhibition with presentation of the publication „The Paper of Others.From Šrenc to the Collectors on the Streets of Belgrade.“
(© Daniela Gugg) in German and English.
25.08. 20:00 live music with Miodrag Kostić and Nenad Kostić, the musicians of the cult
movie “Ko To Tamo Peva” (1980 by Slobodan Šijan).
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26.08. 20:00 h finissage with a reading by the author Jovan Nikolić
and colloquium moderated by the journalist Ivan Vasić
Exhibition and concept: Daniela Gugg
Photography: Alex Ferraté and Milica Nikolić
Translations: Simon Marić, Aoife Rosenmeyer, Ena Tomić
Cameraman and Postproduction: Alex Ferraté
Film and Photo edition: Alex Ferraté und Daniela Gugg
Publication editing and proofreading: Sonja Baude, Kathrin Zellweger
Publication editor: Gioia Dal Molin, Kulturstiftung of the Canton of Thurgau
Publication graphic design: Susanne Entress
Organisation evening program: Daniela Gugg und Stefan Eftimovski
Particular thanks go to all the protagonists for their accounts on the subjects of paper collection, recycling and life in Serbia.
European Center for Culture and Debate GRAD
Brace Krsmanovié 4
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Supported by:
Swiss Embassy of Belgrade, Serbia
Cultural Foundation of Canton Thurgau, Switzerland
Preview of the publication: (Ko To Tamo Peva, trailer)
Multimedijalna izložba "Tuđi papir"
Daniela Gug neprestano stvara rečima, jezikom i tekstom. Ona piše i priča priče. Ona istražuje životne istorije pojedinaca ili pronalazi društvene i istorijske karakteristike društva, a rezultale stavlja na papir. The paper of others postavlja kao nosioca priče kvalitet papira. Tokom dva duža boravka u Beogradu Daniela je ispratila ceo proces reciklaže šrenc papira koji se koristi za publikaciju. Razgovarala je sa Romima koji sakupljaju sekundarne sirovine na ulicama Beograda i posetila je fabrike za reciklažu na obodima grada. Baveći se ovim ona je povezala biografije sakupljača papira i njihova iskustva, koja su posledica društvene marginalizacije i migracija. Takođe, ona je povezala istoriju Srbije i društvenu i ekonomsku realnost i trenutno stanje u Evropi.
Večernji programi tokom izložbe:
Evropski centar za kulturu i debatu GRAD
Brace Krsmanovié 4, Beograd
-19.08. 18:00 h Otvaranje izložbe i prezentacija publikacije "The Paper of Others From Šrenc to the Collectors on the Streets of Belgrade.“ (© Daniela Gugg) koja je izdata na nemačkom i engleskom.
-25.08. 20:00 h Miodrag Kostić i Nenad Kostić (uživo muzika) muzičari iz filma "Ko to tamo peva" (1980) i projekcija filma "Ko to tamo peva"
-26.08. 20:00 h Finalno veče na kom učestvuje nemački pisac Jovan Nikolić i diskusija koju moderira novinar Ivan Vasić
Izložba i koncept: Daniela Gugg
Fotografija: Alex Ferraté and Milica Nikolić
Kamera i postprodukcija: Alex Ferraté
Film i realizacija: Alex Ferraté und Daniela Gugg
Lekturisanje publikacije: Sonja Baude, Kathrin Zellweger
Grafički dizajn publikacije: Susanne Entress
Urednik publikacije: Gioia Dal Molin, Kulturstiftung of the Canton of Thurgau
Organizacija večernjeg programa: Daniela Gugg und Stefan Eftimovski
Prevodioci: Simon Marić, Aoife Rosenmeyer, Ena Tomić
Supported by:
Swiss Embassy of Belgrade, Serbia
Cultural Foundation of Canton Thurgau, Switzerland
photo: Alex Ferrate, Neda Mojsilovic, Milica Nikolic
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